This morning we wrapped up our PLC retreat. A very successful and productive weekend. I would like to congratulate the Scouts and thank them for their preparation. I would like to thank Mr. Benyi and all the adults who participated throughout the weekend. We have a great schedule planned including outings, service projects and fundraising. Mr. Parizek is going to provide an opportunity for Leaders to sign up for the openings that we must fill with volunteers for the outings.
Each Scout who participated in the retreat has a new posiiton and an assaignment.  As you may recall we discussed approaching an Adult Leader as a mentor. I would like you to complete this in the next week or two. You may approach any leader except your own parent. They are aware of this as it was a point of discussion at our leaders meeting.
The Court of Honor is on Tuesday evening. The Pot Luck begins at 6:00pm. I will be asking a few of you to show early for set-up. I will also get a script out tomorrow for those of you who are participating in the ceremony. Adults, please do not forget to call Mrs. Lara to assist her in coordinating the food.
We have a few Birthdays to celebrate this week. Happy Birthday to Carter Watson, Mr. Dave Grisa, Mr. Michael Huston and Mr. Paul White.
Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow evening……..Mr. Martin