Greetings from Ft. Lauderdale Florida. It’s a little cloudy as Gustav approaches. Pray for those on the Gulf Coast. I will be in Sacramento tomorrow evening and then back home on Monday.
For those of you who are new Adult Leaders, or new Committee members the Grand Canyon Council is offering “New Leader Essential Training” at Round Table next month. The class is being offered on the 4th of September. The facility is at the Mormon Church at 3010 East Thunderbird Rd. It’s a great opportunity to complete the first portion of your leader training. I will be at Round Table on Thursday evening. Hope to see you then.
Last Tuesday we began our sign-up for Scout-O-Rama ticket sales.  This a great opportunity for the boys to add funds to their Scout Account. I would like to emphasize Mr. Cole’s final thoughts on selling the tickets. “Would you like to buy a ticket to Scout-O-Rama or make a donation to Scouting“. One hundred percent of the last portion of that statement goes directly into his Scout Account. As a reminder, you must account for all tickets and money. Any donations above that go directly into the Scouts’ account.
God bless and see you on Tuesday……….Mr. Martin