Happy Birthday to Eric Lara. Hope you have a great week.
We had a great outing this past weekend at Lost Dutchman State Park. The hiking was extraordinary. The weather was perfect and of course the company was outstanding. We had two Scouts advance over the weekend and numerous training events were completed. Thank you Mr. Andrews and Mr. McFetters for spending Friday evening with us.  A special thanks to Mr. Patton and Mr. agich for spending Saturday with us.
POPCORN DEADLINE. Bring your completed Popcorn order forms and money to the Troop meeting on Tuesday, October 28th. Just as a reminder this is the ONLY DAY THAT MRS. MARTIN WILL BE AVAILABLE TO PROCESS YOUR POPCORN FUND RAISING PAPERWORK.
Also at the Troop meeting on October 28th. Mrs. Martin will provide the fund raising schedule for gift wrapping as well as the parental/scout contract for the event.
HO-HO-HO. Hey Parents, I have a great holiday gift idea in mind for your Scout. How about a Camel-Back. For several years I have watched the boys’ climb, backpack and hike with every conceivable method of carrying their water. They carry water jugs in their hands; water bottles in each pocket and even carrying a thermos or simply hang bottles from their belt loops. This may sound comical, but the bottom line is that they simply can not carry enough water to finish their hike. If they are short on water we’re going back to camp. I usually pack mine with ice about every other day and add water to fill it. You will also be surprised how much more the boys’ will drink throughout the day.
Take care, God Bless and see you Tuesday……..Mr. Martin