It’s actually not bad; 40 degrees and cloudy. With all this warm weather on the East coast I’m looking forward to our snow campout next month. Mr. Parizek has spent much time and effort organizing the outing. He and I thank those of you who have participated in leading discussions on the various topics concerning cold weather camping. The plan is to meet at the church’ on Friday, after the dinner hour, and spent the night. We are fortunate to have volunteers to provide an early breakfast and send us on our way. Thanks Mom’s!!
Thank you Mr. Cole for taking the time to speak last meeting of the importance of representing Scouting’ at fund raising events. Many people recognize and support the ideals that Scouting represents.
Last meeting we had a brief disscussion concerning Patrol meetings. We will begin planning at the next PLC meeting concerning our monthly Patrol outings.
See you on Tuesday…………Mr. Martin