I would like to extend this weeks birthday wishes Mr. Kuhl and Mikey Finnegan.
Mrs. Martin and I saw the Troop off yesterday afternoon as I am heading off to the East Coast today.  The Willow Springs outing was well planned and I’m sure that everyone will have a great time.
We have an opportunity for service hours coming up on the 26th. of this month. Patriots of the Air National Guard has invited the Troop to send off a military unit from the base on Friday morning. They are deploying over seas. All leaders and Scouts are encouraged to attend. Uniform of the Day’ is full class A’. Parents are invited as well. Shawn Martin will provide flyer’s and a sign-up sheet at the next meeting. It is important to have all who plan to attend listed on the sign-up sheet for admittance on the base. If you are not on the pre-approved list you will not be allowed on the base. There will be more information forthcoming as I receive it.
We are tentatively planning a Court of Honor on the 30th of this month. It will be brief, but it is important to recognize the recent efforts of the boys before we head off to Summer Camp. More details to follow in a few days.
Take care, God Bless and I will see you on Tuesday………..Mr. Martin