It is time again for our annual Charter Renewal process. All recharter materials are due to Mr. Benyi NO LATER than Tuesday, October 19. Please see below for details:
Dues: $100 ($110 if O/A member) – Please bring a check made out to Troop 648 OR indicate that you wish to use funds from your scout account, if available.
Dues: $16; Current Youth Protection Training (dated 1/1/2009 or later); Also, please confirm your position with me, and make sure that your contact email & phone number are current. – Also for adults: I am working on updating our MB Counselor registry; please submit a current MB form/list; see the Merit Badge link on the website.
Questions? See Mr. Benyi @ the Troop Meeting; 10/5, 10/12, 0r 10/19.
!Please don’t make me chase you down!
Thanks, Mr. Benyi