Good morning,
What a week it was! An inaugural assistant scoutmaster meeting developed a fantastic initial roadmap to support success in the upcoming year. A most excellent rank advancement court of honor recognized the hard work put in by our scouts, and awarded more than a dozen rank advancements prior to summer camp. And an outstanding weekend on the water was enjoyed by 30 of our troop boys and adults during the canoeing at Apache Lake, kudos to young Mr. McFetters for exceptional planning. Many of our newest scouts and dads were introduced to one of the basics within T648 – our connection to the great Arizona outdoors. Many were capsized, all were successfully again rightsized, we performed a service project to defray our camp fees, and then everyone came down the hill warm, tired, & ready for a shower. I understand some of the older boys even did a good turn by feeding one of the hungry indigenous wildlife from their adundant dinner resources. Nicely done, men!
Tomorrow we will NOT have tenderfoot training ahead of the 7PM troop meeting. The next tenderfoot training will be 6/28 at 6PM. Tomorrow night in parallel with the troop meeting will be a parent orientation meeting on all things T648 – come with any of your questions as to how the troop functions. This coming weekend on 6/18 will be J Andrews’ Eagle Project – all are encouraged to attend this very worthwhile service project coordinated by one of our boy leaders. Stay tuned for further details tomorrow night and on this website. Looking ahead, we will have a field trip to REI on 6/21 for orientation on the latest in camping / backpacking equipment.  Finally, keep in mind that summer camp is just over the horizon. Merit badges should already have been selected through Mr. Benyi, health forms should be coordinated through Mr. Cole, and accounting for the $400 in camp & travel fees should be finalized with Mr. Benyi. Now would also be an excellent time to obtain all merit badge books for your scout from our T648 library or the scout shop, and to begin work on the prerequisites for assigned camp classes as outlined in Mr. Benyi’s earlier emails. There is no time like the present to be exercising the Boy Scout Motto!
Many thanks for your involvement in our troop. We appreciate each and every one of you. See you Tuesday night!
Mr. Cole