I would imagine the vast majority of T648 is sleeping in today, grateful for the day off from school. Judging from my kids’ homework over the years, schools today do a much better job of providing insight into the legacy of Dr. King, and his influence on civil rights and freedom for all within our country than my schools did in the 1960s of describing the problems at the time. Inequality based upon color of skin, sex or religion was much more of a reality back then than it is today. We haven’t gotten it completely right even yet, but as you enjoy your day today, take a moment to truly give thanks for the freedoms you do have in America, and for those pioneers who helped to focus our country on preserving those rights.
This morning I give thanks for those intrepid scouts who rose up early on their Sunday morning to cheer on the waves of runners in the Rock ‘n Roll Marathon yesterday. Congratulations to three of our Eagles who ran either the marathon or the ½ marathon, as well. Along with the tutus, pioneer garb, Elvis impersonators, and our Team in Training runners for leukemia, there were runners of all shapes and sizes being encouraged by our enthusiastic receptions at the 8 and 11 mile markers. This is a longtime tradition within the troop, and nicely executed yesterday thanks to young Mr. McFetters.
Tomorrow night is our final meeting before Webelos weekend. We will focus on the scout skills stations you will perform for the cub scouts, skits for the campfire, menu planning, and general preparation for making this a fun event for our guests (and ourselves!). Please come with ideas for your patrol. And come for all, or even a part, of Webelos weekend if your family is in town. We hold it close to the valley to give the Webelos additional incentive to join us, but it also allows for us to easily get to a portion of the event even if we have conflicts during the weekend.   Tomorrow is also the last meeting before our Winter Court of Honor on the 24th. Ensure that all your requirements have been completed by the end of tomorrow’s meeting, and blue cards and/or rank advancements have been provided to the elder Mr. McFetters to be recognized during the upcoming celebration.
Key future dates include young Mr. Finnegan’s Eagle project attacking invasive species in the McDowells on the 28th, the ski weekend at Sunrise (pray for snow, but not this weekend :-)) on the 3rd, and a double Eagle court of honor on the 11th. Lots of fun ahead on the T648 trail!
Mr. Cole