Good evening,
A few random thoughts leading up to the weekend….
If you aren’t going camping, please consider helping Friday night at the fish fry. 4:30 – 7:30 or so – you will be veerrrry appreciated! And…. bonus deal, receive service hours, fried fish and chips, and other wonderful prizes!
If you are going camping, focus on advancement. Citizenship merit badge participants, bring your completed worksheet, and Mr. Clapp will review it with you. Bring your books and work on requirements. You have a captive audience of adult leaders, it is a great time for conferences and boards. Older boys, think of advancements you could coordinate to help your assigned patrols – lashings, orienteering, this base camp is perfect for just about every kind of advancement activity.
Over the next few weeks, get a fast start on your fundraising. Sell pancake breakfast tickets to everyone you know. For those of you with Scout-O-Rama ticket books, selling those are also a good way to pad your scout accounts. We also have opportunities for flag pin sales at the fish fries, as well as future opportunities (e.g. Memorial Day weekend). Plan to work the pancake breakfast on April 14, and you will also participate in door sales as well as the auction money that is raised.
The more you put into scouts, the more you get out of it. Kinda just like life in general. :-) Hope to see you in the Catalinas!
Mr. Cole