
Good morning,

Hope everyone is having a mostly labor-free Labor Day weekend, and enjoying family and food and a bit of a respite from the monsoon.  You also get a break from a scout update, as we had a relatively quiet week in the T648 family for a change.  So let’s look ahead instead.

Please recall that this coming Tuesday we will not have PLC, as we accomplished that during the introductory PLC with our new members during the planning session at Scottsdale Plaza Resort.  If you recall from Mr. Harper’s update, the meeting on Tuesday will be patrol competitions and backcountry games led by Mr. McFetters and the youngest Mr. Jeorling.  Tuesday night is also a troop committee meeting at 7PM.  Please come and learn the outcomes of the troop planning session – the new scout leadership, the troop calendar, and much more.  Thursday the 6th at 7PM is the Four Peaks District Roundtable of adult leaders and the monthly Order of the Arrow meeting at the LDS church on Thunderbird west of 32nd Street.

The absolute highlight of the week, and undoubtedly the month, is Saturday’s Eagle Court of Honor for the youngest Mr. Huston.  He will be celebrating with his family and friends the completion of the first triune achievement in troop history – three Eagle brothers from T648.  The primary purpose of an Eagle COH is to celebrate the individual scout’s achievement, but a side benefit is the tangible evidence that an Eagle rank is actually achievable.   Hopefully beyond having a great time, this will also inspire the many scouts in attendance to continue following the trail to Eagle.  Please join your troop family in celebration by wearing your Class A, and come to the Elks Lodge on Acoma and 32nd Street at 2PM Saturday the 8th of September.  We will also be reaching out to some of the older scouts to come an hour early and help the family set up – see you there!

A bit further ahead, we will have the adult leader meeting on Monday the 10th at 7PM at Scottsdale Worship Center, our outing this month the week of the 21st will be an outstanding opportunity to summit one of the San Francisco peaks, while during the same weekend diving into the depths of an amazing mile-long lava river cave.  When I say it is cool, I also mean that literally, as it is approximately 40 degrees in there year round.  And don’t forget that we will be having our next troop Court of Honor on October 2nd at 6PM in the church social hall.  If there are a couple of troop moms who would help coordinate the potluck dinner that goes with this fun family event, please contact Mr. Cole.

Okay, time to get back to planning the BBQ menu for today.  Enjoy whatever your end of summer celebration is this weekend, and hope to see you all back at the troop meeting tomorrow night!

Mr. Cole