Good morning!
We return to scouting in full force beginning tomorrow night. We have had a bit of a lull, but we have a packed agenda coming our way the next few weeks.
Tomorrow’s meeting will be essentials to get you prepared for a backpacking trip, like this upcoming weekend’s to Algonquin Trailhead. It looks to be sunny and beautiful right through the weekend, so there isn’t a better time of year to be out enjoying a part of central Arizona. In addition this weekend, a number of the Honor Patrol from 2011-2012 will be experiencing southern California’s weather on their award trip to the coast and Disneyland. Please note that we will be leaving for California at 4PM, so plan on meeting at the church between 3:30-4:00PM this Friday afternoon.
Items of note for planning purposes:
- Recharter 2013 dues payments were due to Mrs. Traynor last Tuesday.
- Young Mr. McFetters’ Eagle project is in south Phoenix on 11/3
- All PLC members should attend 6PM on 11/6, and bring updates for their areas
- Our next outing is a bike outing to Granite Basin – we will be camping at Lynx Lake. We will have a bike check during the October 30 meeting, so bring your bikes that night to have them tuned for the ride.
- November 12th is our next adult leader meeting at Scottsdale Worship Center
- Young Mr. Finnegan’s Eagle Court of Honor is scheduled for 11/17. Stay tuned for further details on time and location
- Mr. Benyi has signed us up for summer camp in Colorado. Â Please note his earlier post, and put those dates in your 2013 calendar – it is a camp you will not want to miss!
Busy times are ahead for T648. I hope that you participate fully in all the opportunities presented. Honor Patrol competition is back in full swing for 2012-2013, so complete uniforms and participation in as many events as you can will help your patrol stay competitive.
See you at the troop meeting!
Mr. Cole