Good morning T648!
As we transition into this holiday season traditionally set aside to give thanks for our many blessings, I am particularly thankful for young men who give of their time to better themselves and their community. Weekly we have more than a couple dozen scouts show up for troop meetings to teach and learn skills that will be beneficial in the out-of-doors and life in general. On a monthly basis, they test these skills in a wide variety of ways, including dealing with the elements (from heat to sleet), learning hiking, water, boat, bike, and ski safety, administering first aid, cooking, camping, leading, teaching, mediating and especially tolerating a bunch of middle-aging scouters, who also still love doing all these things, but at a much slower pace. I am thankful that they are aware of far more than themselves, and have had the desire and ability to help charities of all kinds, through church volunteerism, and by way of troop service projects. As I sit thinking of each boy individually, they are all so very different and uniquely talented. However, when they band together as patrols or on projects, the troop as a unit is far greater than a group of individuals. I give thanks to to be associated with such fine young men, not to mention the families and friends of T648, who continue to greatly influence their excellence.
Tomorrow night is the troop meeting – come ready to leverage all the learning from our Mayer outing on fire building, fire safety, and even a bit on what fires to use for cooking.  Also, I hope you have been already thinking about building summer camp into your next summer break.  Camp Alexander is in the beautiful Elevenmile Canyon at about 8500 feet elevation in the Pikes Peak National Forest approximately 45 miles west of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Along with Ponderosa pine forests and grassland valleys, there is also wetland vegetation comprised of a stream and the beautiful Lake George, resulting in abundant wildlife. This is a summer camp not to be missed! We have reserved our week for July 20-28, 2013, and our payments begin in December. To reserve your spot, please provide a $50 deposit beginning December 1st.
As we begin the holiday season, I hope you will continue to make time for scouts. We will be planning for our annual January Webelos weekend during December meetings, and our winter outing will be December 7-9. Parents will have the opportunity to gather on December 4th at 7PM for a troop parent and committee meeting. This year we will also marks a new tradition, as the Turner family has invited the troop to their home for a time of potluck desserts and fellowship on December 27th from 7-9PM.  Mark your calendars, and stay tuned for additional details as the event nears.  I hope that you will be able to join your troop family on this festive occasion if your plans find you in the valley over the Christmas holiday.
See you tomorrow at the troop meeting!
Mr. Cole