Good morning
Yesterday a hearty crew from T648 headed out before dawn and ‘camped’ in the Blessed Sacrament courtyard during all three morning services in celebration of Scout Sunday. Scouts opening doors, greeting parishioners, demonstrating scout skills and discussing outdoor topics was a great way to introduce ourselves to a wider population of our charter organization. We had interest from a number of families with scout-aged boys, as well, so it was a Super Sunday in more ways than one. Many thanks for all who braved the sprinkles to join us in this worthy endeavor. Bonus honor patrol points await each of you!
This event also serves as a reminder. This is recruiting season, as also evidenced by our Webelos weekend in January, and the upcoming Arrow of Light ceremonies in our surrounding cub scout packs. We have had a number of parents and scout leaders contact us about our troop over the past few weeks, and members from Packs at least 426 and 818 will be joining us on upcoming Tuesday nights to get a feel for our troop. Thus, if you are in charge of an upcoming meeting, it is very important that you continue to plan with your assigned partner to put together productive agendas. Also, if you have a friend you have been thinking about bringing to a meeting, there is no better time than this time of year, as additional scouts join. Your buddy will now have the ability to participate in all the fun things we do, and you will just have made it even more fun for yourself, by expanding your circle of friends within T648.
Tomorrow night is our Winter Court of Honor – please remember to bring a dessert or snack to share, utilizing the amazing Sign-up-Genius. In the spirit of our being a boy-led troop, Mr. Benyi has arranged for a very interesting remodel of the format, with the scouts being the majority of the content. It will be a very fun and festive evening celebrating scouting in our troop. Please remember that as a result, Patrol Leaders’ Council will be moved to 6AM on the 12th. It is also early February, so that means this coming weekend is our annual ski outing to Sunrise Park Resort in the White Mountains. It looks like it will be in the 30’s with a chance of precipitation this weekend – perfect skiing weather.
Looking ahead – keep it up with your Scout-O-Rama ticket sales – hopefully you have been having good success in your neighborhoods, or at the stores coordinated through Mr. Jeorling. We will have an adult leader meeting on February 11th, as well as a committee meeting to be scheduled in early March. Please bring your second payment of $100 for summer camp to an upcoming meeting – it is due 2/1/13. Please also provide an article or update for your area of responsibility for our second monthly Newsletter – details can be brought to a meeting, or sent to Mrs. Traynor or Mr. Cole. We also have a date and location for our annual Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction – at Scottsdale Worship Center on 65th Street and Cactus on 4/27/13. Please mark your calendars, and stay tuned for more details on our largest fundraiser of the year.
See you tomorrow night for the festivities!
Mr. Cole