I am going to be offering Camping Merit Badge over the course of the next two months. This is a key Eagle Required Merit Badge and is well suited for scouts that are at or near the First Class rank. Anyone wishing to get started on Camping should see me at a troop meeting and sign up.
I will do a brief orientation to the badge with each scout, then it will primarily be a “work at your own pace” sort of endeavor. The majority of the requirements for Camping are similar to requirements for Second and First Class; if your scout skills are strong, you should have no problem with Camping MB! (And if they are not, this is a good opportunity to practice.)
There are a few primary tools that will help you as you work on Camping MB:
1) It is best to obtain the Merit Badge book for reference. (If you are using an old book, the content should be fine, but note that the requirements have changed!) We will work from the requirements in the “color” book from the 2011 printing.
2) At minimum, I would recommend visiting: to review the requirements for the badge.
3) It is also important for you to have a packet to work from. You are welcome to use either the default packet from OR you can use this “custom” packet created by Mr Conrad the younger. (Thanks for putting this together!) I think this alternative packet is clearer and easier to use, but please note that it does not address every single requirement, so make sure that you know ALL the requirements for completing Camping.
I encourage anyone that is First Class to be sure to get Camping Merit Badge out of the way. If you have questions, you are welcome to email me or speak to me at a troop meeting.
Mr. Benyi