Committee Meeting


We will be having our quarterly Troop Committee & Parent Meeting this coming Tuesday, 3/5/13 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held in the classroom adjacent to the troop meeting room.

This meeting is open to all interested parents, along with members of the committee. Major agenda topics for the meeting will include: Fundraising & Pancake Breakfast, Youth Training, Committee Members Updates, and Summer Camp 2013.

Summer Camp 2013: I want to take a quick moment to remind everyone about Summer Camp 2013 at Camp Alexander in Colorado Springs, CO. The dates for camp are July 20-28. The cost of camp is $450. There are still open spots if you have not yet signed up. Please take advantage of the opportunity for a great summer camp experience. Additional information about camp will be presented at the meeting on Tuesday.

Troop Newsletter, February 2013: For any who have not yet seen the February Newsletter, it is available here.

Have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to see everyone on Tuesday.


Mr. Benyi