Summer Camp Update


As we enter the month of April, it is time to start seriously thinking about summer camp which is only a few months away. The fourth payment was due this past week; everyone should be paid through $350, with $100 due in May. Unfortunately, as a collective group, we are very behind on payments. I have to make a payment to Camp Alexander each month and have presently paid nearly $4000 more than I have collected, with another large payment due immediately.

I would ask that everyone please review the payment schedule and make sure that you are up to date. If we cannot get caught up in the next couple of weeks, we will risk losing our reservation.

Deposit – $50 – Dec 1, 2012

Payment #2 – $100 – Feb 1, 2013

Payment #3 – $100 – Mar 1, 2013

Payment #4 – $100 – Apr 1, 2013

Payment #5 – $100 – May 1, 2013

Please also note that the Merit Badge / Activity sign up forms were due this past week. As it stands, I have collected about 2/3 of these. I would strongly encourage each attendee to complete their form ASAP, as signups will begin later this month. In case you have missed the forms that I have distributed over the past month, I have attached one here for your use.

Camp Alexander Merit Badge & Activity Signup Sheet (Due April 2, 2013)

Finally, please do not forget that it is necessary to complete the Annual Health and Medical Form. This is the same form that we use each year and can be found in the “Documents” section of the troop website. For your convenience, I have also provided a link below. Please note that Parts A & B must be completed by a parent; Part C must be completed by a Doctor.

Health Form Notes:

  • If you have questions about how to complete your medical form, please feel free to see me.
  • The Doctor’s evaluation must be dated within 12 months of the start of camp. (This means any forms from summer camp last year will be expired.)
  • Please also note that Part D does not apply for summer camp; it is not necessary to print that portion of the form.
  • Please plan to attach photocopies of the front and back of your insurance card, plus your immunization records.
  • Please plan to have your form turned in no later than July 1, 2013.
  • Please also note that adults attending camp must also have a medical form.

Annual Health and Medical Form (Fillable PDF – Only Parts A, B, & C Required!)

You can expect to hear more detailed information about camp around mid May.

Thank you for your attention; I am looking forward to another great week at summer camp in Colorado! Please feel free to email me with any questions.

Thank you!

Mr. Benyi