Good morning….
Wow! School is over, the flurry of programs, tests, graduations and parties is completed, and the long road of endless summer days of opportunity stretches out before us. And then the inevitable – Have you already reached the point in your house (as we have in ours) that the – ‘Moooom, I’m bored, there’s nothing to do!!’ – has begun to resound from various locations in front of computers or from within bedrooms? Well, the good news is, T648 does not slow down, and scouting continues all summer long with whatever members continue to brave the escalating temperatures of the Valley. This past week we celebrated as a troop family the Eagle Court of Honor for young Mr. Williams, who became the 41st Eagle in T648’s history. What an outstanding accomplishment, and how much fun to remember and roast events from his 8 years with the troop. Every one of these events are as unique as the scouts themselves, and yet the tradition of the ceremony shines brightly in each, giving younger scouts a view of Eagle Scout as an individual tangible goal for themselves. Congratulations, Mr. Williams!
This week we begin with Patrol Leader’s Council on Tuesday night at 6PM, and both the troop and parent and committee meetings at 7PM. There are multiple key agenda items this month for the parent and committee meeting, so if at all possible, please join us in the room next door to the troop meeting. This week Mrs. Traynor has put together another monthly troop letter packed with news and information from our scouts and scouters – please let us know if you have not received an electronic copy. This coming weekend is a base camp at Roosevelt Lake, where we will have the opportunity to get up out of the hot Valley a little bit, but remain in temperatures warm enough that it will feel great to be splashing around and getting wet for those who want to do canoeing without the canoe. Patrol and menu planning for the weekend will be completed Tuesday night, so come and get your input included. We will also be beginning a monthly theme of wilderness survival skills, so join us Tuesday night to learn about such things as a variety of ways to purify water from young Mr. Hart.
Looking ahead, please add two important dates to your calendars. The adult leader meeting will be a week later this month, and will be held at 7PM on Monday, June 17th at Scottsdale Worship Center. This month is also the Summer Court of Honor, which will also be held at Scottsdale Worship Center at 7PM on Tuesday, June 18th. This weekend’s outing will be an optimal time for scouts on the verge of a rank advancement to finish up their requirements or boards to receive those achievements this month. Please also contact your troop counselors on any merit badges you have been working on to complete any remaining requirements in the next week or so. Cutoff on requirements for the COH is June 11th.
If you are attending summer camp, both scouts and leaders must have an updated BSA health form on file with the troop. These will be presented to Camp Alexander, and without them, the individual will not be able to participate. Please schedule time with your physician between now and our departure on July 20th to complete the medical form – available under ‘Documents’ on our troop website.
See you Tuesday at the PLC, Troop and Committee meetings!
Mr. Cole