Greetings and happy September!
We will be holding our quarterly Troop Committee and Parent Meeting on this coming Tuesday (9/3/13) at 7pm in the classroom adjacent to our usual meeting room. All interested parents and guardians are invited and welcome to attend. Subjects of discussion for this meeting will include:
1) Review of the 2013-2014 event calendar, developed last month by the Patrol Leader’s Council
2) Review and discussion of troop finances and dues for the upcoming year
3) Discussion of fundraising opportunities for fall and spring
4) Discussion of Leader Training and Safe Environment Training
5) Don’t miss Mr. Cole’s final “official” Scoutmaster address to the committee before the transition in October
We hope everyone will come and participate!
~Mr. Benyi
PS – I have updated all of the rosters, patrol lists, leadership positions, etc. on the troop website to reflect the upcoming year.