Summer Camp & Other Troop News!

Greetings! A busy spring awaits; here are four specific logistical items to know about:

1) Summer Camp – The first payment ($100) is due no later than Tuesday, Jan 28, 2014. If you are planning to attend Summer Camp this year, please let me know at one of these next two meetings and bring a check or let me know that you plan to use your scout account. Remember that camp is June 14-21.

2) Scout O Rama Tickets – We now have Scout O Rama tickets (called Camp Cards this year) which will be available at the next meeting. (Jan 21) – Parents and scouts can check out tickets for your sons to sell; you can drop by at the beginning or end of the meeting to pick some up.

3) Philmont Information Meeting – We had a remarkably quick response to the initial Philmont Announcement that I distributed at the beginning of the month and the crew filled up the first day. We will still be having a Philmont information meeting on Jan 28, from 6pm-7pm (prior to the troop meeting) in our regular meeting room. Anyone with interest in Philmont is welcome to attend; if you did not get into this first crew and are still interested in Philmont, please let me know. I can’t guarantee that I can get more space, but I will certainly try.

4) Winter Court of Honor – We have settled on Tuesday, Feb 25, 2014 for our next Court of Honor. Please save the date; scouts and parents should attend to recognize the accomplishments of our scouts. The deadline for advancement at this Court of Honor will be Tuesday, Feb 18, 2014. Please don’t wait to the last minute! Take advantage of the next couple of outings to finish requirements and get those Boards of Review finished.


Mr. Benyi