Good evening,
One of the longer merit badges to achieve, but also one of the more useful in managing one’s financial worth in life, is the Personal Management Merit Badge. It is Eagle required, and takes a minimum of 3+ months to complete. Mr. Cole will be teaching this merit badge beginning 1/13 at 6PM. We will start with a kickoff session before the troop meeting, and will commence with independent study through a number of longer running activities such as a 13 week budget and the planning and shopping for a major family purchase. Due to the mature content and significant amount of work required to complete this badge, it is recommended that a scout be complete with second class before taking this course. Mr. Cole will begin collecting sign-ups at the troop meeting tomorrow night in preparation for next week’s class. Anyone interested should also look up and print the following PDF, which will serve as the worksheet for our sessions.
Although the worksheet will serve as our guide, the scout should also obtain a copy of the merit badge booklet from the troop library or the scout shop, as perusing the book will result in significantly better understanding of the many activities which must be completed during this class. I look forward to working with each of you who are ready, willing, and able to fine tune your own personal financial acumen.
See you at the troop meeting!
Mr. Cole