Hello Troop 648
I am behind in posting a number of very important activities that have taken place over the last few weeks. So, without further ado…
1.  Alex Demski Eagle Scout Project – a great project at Horses Help, an organization that teaches special needs youth how to ride a horse and uses the horses for therapeutic properties. Alex directed the troop in a number of upgrades to the facility including repairing a walkway and building a compost area.
2. Gio Jeorling, Eagle Scout! – Troop 648 newest Eagle Scout is Gio Jeorling. A hearty congratulations to Gio on a job well done and well deserved. We are very proud of you Gio.
3. Â Emergency Prep Disaster Drill – a number of T648 Scouts and Scouters participated in an emergency drill organized by the City of Scottsdale’s Emergency Manager’s office. Don’t worry, all the Scouts were okay despite their ‘gruesome’Â wounds. Scouts also completed a challenging requirement as part of the Emergency Preparedness (Eagle required) Merit Badge.
4.  Black Canyon Mountain Bike Outing – and finally, 14 members of the Troop traveled to the Black Canyon area for a weekend of camping, camaraderie and mountain biking. I marvel at the commitment of many of the adults in our troop. We quite simply cannot have the great program we do, without the support of these awesome adults. And if you ever hear the phrase regarding any upcoming outing ‘…and Bill Traynor is in charge of cooking for the adults…,’ run don’t walk to the sign-up sheet! Among other things, dutch oven bread pudding, St. Louis BBQ ribs, homemade mashed potatoes, Drunken Apples, oh my…
See you Tuesday night and have a great Thanksgiving!
Scoutmaster T648