Hello Troop 648
As a reminder, we will not be having our regularly scheduled Tuesday Scout meeting on Dec 22 and Dec 29. We will resume meeting on Jan 5.
However, if you are actively working on the Citizenship in the Community and/or Emergency Preparedness Merit Badges and would like to progress or finish them, Mr. Clapp (Cit in Com) and Mr. Conrad (Emer Prep) have graciously volunteered to be at Chaparral Christian Church in our meeting room next Tuesday, Dec 22 at 6:30pm to help.
To be better prepared and looking at the MB requirements for both, there may be a number of things your Scout can be working on (if they haven’t already) between now and Tuesday. Some highlights (NOT ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE LISTED AND THESE ARE NOT COMPLETE SO LOOK TO THE MERIT BADGE BOOK FOR COMPLETE INFO) include:
Citizenship in the Community – get the workbook here
- Know and be prepared to discuss what citizenship in the community means
- Locate some key government and local services on a map for your community
- Attend some type of city council or other governing body meeting. Normally this needs to be in person, but for a limited time only, Mr. Clapp is allowing Scouts to watch a city council or board meeting online. Go here for video info
- Choose an issue and do a number of things regarding this issue
- Watch a movie that shows how the actions of an individual(s) had a positive effect on the community – list of possible movies are here
- List and know services in your community
- Develop a public presentation about important and unique aspects of your community, present to counselor
Emergency Preparedness – get the workbook here
- Discuss various aspects of emergency preparedness
- Make a chart that demonstrates you understand emergency preparedness
- Teach your family emergency preparedness
- Show how to safely move someone during a variety of emergency situations
- Show ways to attract rescue planes/aircraft
- Understand and discuss how Scouts can help in a variety of emergency situations
- Identify some government and community emergency agencies
- Take part in an emergency drill (covered by those who recently attended the City of Scottsdale CERT drill)
- Prepare a written plan for mobilizing the troop
- Prepare a personal emergency service pack
- Create a home safety checklist or plan of escape
Again, please consult the Merit Badge books for a complete description of the above.
If there is any Scout working on a merit badge not listed above, please let me know. I have a number of other Merit Badge Counselors who have indicated their willingness to be there on the 22nd to help. However, you/your Scout must email me by Monday noon (or sooner) to let me know so I can make the necessary arrangements with the applicable counselor. If you would like to work on rank advancement and on Tuesday, please let me know.
This is a great opportunity to progress or complete two Eagle Required MBs or others. I highly recommend you take full advantage.
Have a great weekend and hope to see you on Tuesday!
Scoutmaster T648