Coming Soon: BSA Troop 648 Pancake Breakfast!

Dear Scout Families:
It’s time for the annual Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction, a major fundraiser for our troop.  The event will take place the morning of Saturday, April 30th. The Scouts really need your help and support to make this event a great success.  First and foremost, each Scout needs to actively participate in selling tickets to the event.  More information about ticket sales will be presented at upcoming troop meetings.
As my youngest boy is nearing the end of his scouting journey, I expect this will be my last year coordinating the silent auction.  I would love to have one of the parents of a younger scout “shadow” me this year so it can be transitioned to a new adult.  Please contact Doug McFetters and/or me if you would like to take this on. Events like this are part of what makes Troop 648 so special. This is a great opportunity for a parent/adult to be involved and the time commitment is minimal!
Some key things to know:
Event Date & Time:  Saturday, April 30th, 7:00 am – 10:00 am
Location:  Chaparral Christian Church at 6451 E. Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale, AZ
There are four ways a Scout and his family can participate:
Tickets Sales
More information is forthcoming, but breakfast tickets will cost $5 each with a whopping $4 going into the Scout’s account. Checks should be made payable to BSA Troop 648.
100% of any monetary donation a Scout receives will go directly into their Scout account.  
Patrol Baskets
Each patrol will pick a theme for their ‘Patrol Raffle Basket.’ We request every family donate an item or send in a $10+ monetary donation to support a patrol basket. Mrs. McFetters will assemble the baskets.
Proceeds from the raffle will be allocated among the Scouts who contributed toward a basket. 
Raffle tickets may be purchased at the event. Tickets cost $2 each, 6 for  $10, or 15 for $20. Scouts, parents, siblings and guests will place their raffle tickets in the container corresponding to the basket they hope to win. The raffle drawing will be held at the end of the breakfast.  Winners need not be present to win.
Silent Auction Items
A Scout and their family may also procure or donate items to be included in the Silent Auction. Last year our scouts were very successful in soliciting donations (gift certificates, goods and services) from local area restaurants, shops and service providers. We have also received certificates from families for services (painting, music lessons, shooting lessons, etc.) in addition to tickets to sporting events, hotel stays, concerts, etc.
For each auction item sold, a significant percentage of the dollar amount will be allocated to the Scout who procured or donated the item(s).
We have attached two forms a Scout or their parents may use to help solicit donations. We highly recommended when making a purchase from a local business (restaurant, beauty salon, entertainment complex, store, etc,), you speak with a manager and request a donation at that time. When you are a customer of theirs, they are much more apt to provide your Scout with a donation. Also, have your Scout wear their uniform, it makes a difference! Click here for a donation request letter T648 Pancake Breakfast Donation Letter and here for a donation agreement form T648 Pancake Breakfast Donation Form. The forms provide information about the event along with our charter organization, Chaparral Christian Church, tax ID number. 
Donations may be brought to Scout meetings anytime between March 29th and April 26th. You may also contact Mrs. Conrad to arrange collection or alternative drop off.
Working During The Event
On the day of the event, we typically have ‘walk up’ breakfast guests. Scouts who work the day of the event will receive a portion of this money based on the number of hours they work. From past breakfasts events, Scouts usually earn $8 or $9 or more per hour, so it’s another great way to earn money.
If you have any question please feel free to contact Mrs. Conrad or your scout leaders.
Elizabeth Conrad - or (602) 402-6516.