Swimming Merit Badge Opportunity

Hello Troop 648

We will be conducting a Swimming Merit Badge class this Tuesday, May 31 from 1-4pm at Cactus Pool (northeast corner of Cactus and Scottsdale road, entrance to park is off of Cactus).

If your Scout does not have this Eagle Required merit badge and he is available, it is highly recommended he join us. Additionally, if your Scout does have the Swimming MB and is going to summer camp, he can join us any time from 1-3:30pm for a summer camp swim check.

If your Scout is going to join for the Swimming MB, a few things to do BEFORE Tuesday:

Read the Swimming MB Book – if you don’t have the book, I found this on line. From the Merit Badge book, please have your Scout compete the following (the number listed is the Requirement number):

  1. Be prepared to discuss
  2. Be prepared to discuss
  3. Will be completed at the pool if your Scout has not already completed (we will complete both Second and First Class reqs).
  4. Per the requirements, please have your Scout bring – shoes, socks, swim trunks, long pants, belt, and long-sleeved shirt. All of this will be getting wet.
  5. Will be completed at the pool
  6. Will be completed at the pool (bring a personal flotation device IF you have one. If you don’t have one, no worries)
  7. Will be completed at the pool
  8. Will be completed at the pool (if your Scout has a SCUBA mask, snorkel and fins, please bring. If not, no worries)
  9. Will be completed at the pool
  10. Please have your Scout research and write out their answers for 10a, 10b and 10c

Don’t forget to bring your Scout book! There are a few requirements in Second Class and First Class that we will be working on and that can be signed off in your Scout’s handbook if they haven’t completed already.

Suggest your Scout come dressed in a swimsuit, also bring a towel, a hat, sunscreen and water to drink.

If you have any questions – dmcfetters@gmail.com. Also, if you are planning to attend, please let me know. Thus far, I have Ian, Eric, Sean, Zach R, Tanner, Aidan, Marshall. Cameron and Michael will be there for swim checks.

Again, if you are going to Summer Camp, this is a great opportunity to save time and hassle by completing a swim check here. It does not take long and you can come and go anytime between 1-3:30pm. Everyone going to camp must complete a swim check. If you can’t join us on Tuesday, you will be able to do the swim check at Emerald Bay.

If you are willing to help (adult or scout) on Tuesday, please let me know. Would be great to have a couple adults to help.

I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Scoutmaster T648
