The Great (heat) Escape!

Hello Troop 648

A few reminders:

  1. PLC tomorrow night (June 7) – please meet at 6pm in the regular meeting room.
  2. Troop Committee meeting with a emphasis on summer camp tomorrow night (June 7), 7pm, Main Conference room.
  3. Mr. Cole will be starting a new session for the Personal Management Merit Badge. This is an Eagle required MB. Please meet at 6pm on June 14th in the East Hall.
  4. Court of Honor – June 14th, 7pm. We will be meeting in the East Hall. If you have rank advancement or MBs to turn in, June 7th is your last day in order to have it presented in this COH.
  5. Willow Springs campout wrap up:

An amazing trip this weekend in the mountains! From a beautiful campsite on the bluff overlooking the forest below (thanks Mr. Komar and Quentin!), to canoeing, swimming, fishing, great food, campfire, four rank advancements(!) and an escape from the heat! What more could you ask for? Oh, yes. How about watching two bald eagles soaring above?! Yep, a perfect weekend for the Scouts and Scouters of T648.

Yes, it all fit!


Oh brothers!


A successful First Class Board!


Enjoying the cool pines


Day camp


A most comfortable sleeping spot


General (Q) Washington ready to lead the troops!

Q as Washington

See you soon!

Scoutmaster T648