Hello Troop 648
A quick reminder that the Tuesday, July 26th troop meeting will be devoted entirely to rank and merit badge advancement. Please remind your Scout to bring his Scout Book if he is working on rank requirements and/or make sure he is prepared to further advance a Merit Badge(s) that he may be working on. Additionally, if there is a Merit Badge your Scout would like to start, please let me know and I will see if we have a registered counselor and try and make arrangements with them.
As you may recall, we will be focusing on advancement in one meeting a month for the foreseeable future. While your Scout can work on advancement during any Tuesday meeting or outing, we believe these ‘Advancement Meetings’ will provide a valuable opportunity for each Scout’s progress.
Thanks and see you Tuesday!
Scoutmaster T648
2015 Troop of the Year – Four Peaks District, Grand Canyon Council