Camp Geronimo – Summer Camp


It is time to think about Summer Camp 2017. This year, we will be returning to our “home camp” at Camp Geronimo, following two years over in California. It will be nice to be home!

The dates for camp this year will be Saturday, July 8 – Saturday, July 15 during Session 6.

Program features include: 47 merit badges, including 11 that are Eagle Required! A few highlights include the Horsemanship program, the Blackpowder Rifle Program, Archery, Climbing, Canoeing, Geocaching, Search and Rescue, and others. This is a great opportunity to knock out numerous Eagle Required merit badges that are challenging to get outside of summer camp, such as Environmental Science and Lifesaving. Geronimo is one of only a few camps that offer all three Citizenship merit badges. There are also miles of hiking trails and great campfire programs.

The cost of summer camp this year is $395 for scouts, which includes all food, tents, program, and transportation to and from camp. The payment schedule is as follows:

$100 – February 28, 2017
$100 – March 31, 2017
$100 – April 30, 2017
$95 – May 31, 2017

If you are planning to attend summer camp this year, please let Mr. Benyi know over the next few meetings. Adults wanting to attend part or all of the week should also let me know. We will have more information about summer camp at the Court of Honor on 2/21, as well as the Committee/Parent Meeting on 3/7.


Mr. Benyi