March 3-5 Outing Information and CPR Class Start Time is 6:30pm SHARP!

Hello Troop 648,

This is a reminder that we have another great campout scheduled for this weekend….and it’s not too far away!  We will be going to a spot just north of Carefree, Arizona call Sheep’s Bridge.  As of today the weather is scheduled to be sunny and in the mid 70’s during the day.  The lows should be around the 30-40 range during the late night.  Great sleeping weather!!
The activities we will be doing there are fishing, hiking, and advancement.  We have the option to take 1 mile hike to swim in a natural hot spring.  Please meet at the church, south parking lot near the shed at 5:00pm. We will be coming back around noon on Sunday.  Click here to sign-up for the camp-out.
We will not be having a typical scout meeting this week (CPR Class replaces our regular meeting – 6:30pm SHARP start time) so attendance to the campout will be only communicated via email.  We need an accurate headcount so that grubmaster and food assignments can be made.
Look forward to seeing you this weekend!!
Ian Achor