Architecture Merit Badge


Great job on the Pancake Breakfast today! We had a fantastic turnout and a silent auction for the ages! We should have preliminary results to share with everyone in the next couple of days.

This is a reminder that we will be holding the Architecture Merit Badge tomorrow, May 7, at 2pm at my office, Jones Studio. The Architecture MB is a relatively easy one; the class will take between 1 – 1.5 hours; and then there is a small assignment.

I would suggest bringing a pen and notepad.

For those coming to my office, you can travel south on either the 51 or 101. When you reach the Loop 202, travel west from the 101 or east from the 51. Exit at Priest Drive and head south across the Salt River to Rio Salado Drive. Turn left and drive half a mile to Hardy Dr. where you turn right. Once on Hardy, you will immediately turn left at 1st St. From here, travel east to Wilson St and turn right. The office is located at 205 S Wilson St. in Tempe.

If you have any problem finding it, please give me a call.


Mr. Benyi