Eagle Required Merit Badge Opportunity: Emergency Preparedness

Hello Troop 648

Dr. Blair is scheduling an opportunity for our Scouts to earn the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge. While there are some sessions he will be hosting and some self-directed requirements, this Eagle required MB has one challenging requirement, 7a – ‘Take part in an emergency service project, either a real one or a practice drill with a Scouting unit or a community agency.’ Some of the older scouts may recall participating in this drill a couple years ago with the City of Scottsdale. We will be doing the same thing again – playing the role of victims, while learning about what to do in a full-scale emergency.

This drill will take place on Saturday, March, 24th starting first thing in the morning. We should be finished up in the early afternoon.

If you are interested, please let Dr. Blair know right away as we need to send a participate head count to the city later this week. Dr. Blair can be reached at hornetdermdoc@gmail.com. If you have any questions please let us know. This is a fantastic opportunity and a lot of fun!

See you soon!

Scoutmaster T648