A general alarm call is being sent out to the adult leaders and parents of Troop 648.  Next week is the week before the Fall COH.  This usually means there is a big push for the Scouts to try to finish up Merit Badges and get last minute Rank requirements and Scoutmaster Conferences signed off.  I currently have at least 3 Board of Review requests, and 2 Scoutmaster Conferences requested for next week.  It would be very helpful if any available parent could attend the meeting next week so that we can perform as many reviews as possible before the following week’s COH.  This is an extremely important part of Scouting – the recognition and awards the Scouts receive for all their hard work over the past few months.  Thank you in advance for your participation, and as always thank you to all leaders and adults for their continued support in Scouting.


Mark Blair

Troop 648 Scoutmaster