Five scouts and three adults braved forecasted wind, rain and chilly conditions for an early spring trip to Sedona red rock country. Due to changes in Coconino Forest dispersed camping policy (Sedona has been discovered by the world and overrun) we found dispersed camping outside of Cottonwood instead with a beautiful view of Jerome on Mingus Mountain, and then shuttled bikes and vehicles the next day to get an awesome 4+ mile mountain bike ride safely completed within the shadows of Bell Rock. We hadn’t noticed much wind on the trails, but when we returned late afternoon to camp, the tents had either blown down or taken on buckets of sand. The evening meals were as spectacular as breakfasts had been, and with tired legs and behinds (and a winter storm threat looming), it was soon to bed after dusk. The fireworks began after midnight with 70 mph winds rattling tents, a drop in temp to the mid 30’s, and driving rain. Morning dawned cloudy and calm, with powdered sugar covering the surrounding mountains, and wet red clay clinging to everything in camp. A quick pack-up had us all very satisfied with yet another excellent T648 adventure, and heading home to try and launder / dry out messy Sedona-red gear and bodies. We’re looking forward to going underground next month. Peppersauce Caves are calling!

T648’s conquering bike heroes take a bow!