Happy New Year!
I hope that Mr. Benyi is enjoying a relaxing, warm vacation out West, here in “God’s country”. When I departed from Boston a few days ago it was 9 degrees and the wind was blowing at 30 mph out of the North. I am acclimatized’ for the coming weekend. Enjoy your Birthday an hope that you have an opportunity to watch a little football.
We have an opportunity to pick up a slot in Philmont this Summer. I took the opportunity to e-mail the information to you and I will cover a few details here as well. The slot is from July 26th through August 7th. We are looking for 4 adult and 8 boys to attend the camp. We will have more information concerning the fees on Tuesday. Keep in mind that this is immediately following Summer Camp.
We will kick off the new year with our first PLC meeting tomorrow evening. We will be discussing the new Troop format of Monthly Patrol outings. Those attending be sure to bring your ideas for the outings.
I am planning our next Court of Honor on the 27th of this month. Mr. Agich, will of course have to secure the large meeting room for us. Details to follow.
Mrs. Kuhl will be having surgery on Tomorrow. I would ask that everyone keep her in your thoughts and prayers, as I will throughout the day.
Take care, God bless and see you tomorrow evening…….Mr. Martin