Greetings to all!
Summer Camp is fast approaching. (July 11-July 18) Thanks to Mr. Butler for helping coordinate the Merit Badge signups for me. A few notes to keep in mind:
1) Each scout that has given me (via Mr. Butler) a Merit Badge signup request has been registered and accommodated. I have sent email to each family individually recapping what you are signed up for. If you did not receive an email from me, chances are you are not registered. Please contact me ASAP!
2) Please remember that the final payment for Camp is due no later than April 28. Please make sure that your payments are current.
3) Finally, please make sure that you are getting your health forms taken care of. Mr. Butler discussed the new forms that are required at the parent meeting a couple of weeks back. If you have any questions about this, please speak with either Mr. Butler or me.
I am available to answer specific questions. Otherwise, enjoy the remainder of the school year, and I will speak to everyone in June.
Mr. Benyi