Greetings from the East Coast. I hope that the meeting went well last night. Next month we have a very busy schedule of events.
On the 7th of the month I will host the second annual Adult Leaders Meeting at our home. Please try to arrive at 6:00pm. The topics of discussion will be much the same as last year, recruiting and assisting the Scout Leaders in their new positions. So, please bring your appetite and thoughts.
We have scheduled the Patrol Leaders Council retreat at the Scottsdale Plaza resort for the 14th through the 16th of the month. For the Scouts who are invited please bring your completed forms. They will be distributed soon. Adult Leaders are invitited to drop in any time.
The August outing is scheduled for the 21st through the 23rd of the month. It is a backpacking trip to the Wet Beaver Creek. More information to follow as well as sign-up sheets.
The Court of Honor is scheduled for the 25th of the month. This will be a Pot Luck event. So please plan to attend and help us recognize the hard work of our Scouts these past months.
See you soon…..Mr. Martin