Good evening,
Many thanks to the 21 boys and 8 adults who made the trek to Peppersauce Cave this weekend. Getting there was half the adventure, as an unplanned short cut turned into a real roller coaster ride. We demonstrated on Saturday morning how to move camp for 30 in only a half hour, and once completed, caravaned off to the cave.  Then began a magical journey to the blue-green crystal lake at the end of Peppersauce caves, and no one but one poor helmet-less adult came away with a knot on their head. Wonderful cooking, flag pole lashing and campfire songs skills ensued, and the fall weather was fabulous until we were back on the road and headed home. Sunday, we also had a wonderfully successful fundraising effort for the pancake breakfast to assist the young girl from Blessed Sacrament who has cancer. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the over $500 that will be given to the girl’s trust account on behalf of our troop, and our brother cub scout pack.
Upcoming events to look forward to include: 1) Signing up for the slotted range times for final testing and shooting on the next two Sundays with Mr. Norling, 2) Opportunities to raise money for the boy’s scout accounts through gift wrapping for tips sessions at local book stores, 3) The huge troop garage sale and fundraiser (what a wonderful way to clear enough out to get dad’s car back in there!), and 4) December 19th’s outing up north of Fountain Hills which will be a Search and Rescue training simulation complete with command center, communications and multiple scenarios.
I look forward to seeing you all Tuesday night. This is an exceptional time to be a scout in T648! Â
Mr. Cole