Good morning!
Many thanks to the youth and adults who attended last night’s Arrow of Light ceremony for Cub Scout Pack 40. We welcomed two new scouts into our troop as they crossed over the bridge. But just as importantly, our youth congratulated the other seven boys who also crossed over, and represented Boy Scouts as an opportunity for them as they continue to decide upon troops, or even whether to continue in the scouting program. Plus, it is always a hoot at any event with flaming arrows and fires that flare into different colors!
Please remember that tomorrow night is PLC at 6PM for the leadership team. Hopefully you all have had oppportunities in the past week to plan for both the family outing coming up next month, and summer camp – we are looking forward to great participation in each. We also will begin our biggest and most enduring service project in March as we provide hosting, serving and cleaning support for our host church’s fish fries all during lent. Please sign up for a night (or four or five!) and get ready to eat some of the best fried fish & chips in Arizona while helping out our charter organization. The service opportunities are Fridays during lent, from 4:30 (or whenever you can get there) until 7:30.
See you tomorrow night!