Good morning T648!
Thank you to the many who braved our less than fall-like 108 degrees to wrestle rocks and dig holes to develop a park-like atmosphere around the Ashurst cabin at Pioneer Village on Saturday. Mr Lara’s Eagle Project had a somewhat sluggish beginning as we were greeted by locked gates at 6AM, but thanks to cell phones and T648 muscle, the 1800’s vintage village was a much better place once we were done with it by noon. Amazing what approximately 40 motivated scouts and scouters can do all working in concert! Congratulations to Mr. Lara on finding an excellent organization for us to help, and in coordinating an effective effort to address their needs.
For a bit of a change of pace, we also have a community service oppportunity coming up next Saturday the 1st at St. Vincent de Paul. Our troop has helped prepare meals for the homeless and needy for this organization before, and it is always a fun process and gratifying at the same time to realize that with a little effort on our part, those who have so little will be better off because we care. Contact young Mr. McFetters with any questions, but further details and logistics will be forthcoming.
But first, we will have an opportunity tomorrow night to honor our scouts! Please bring your bragging ribbons, and also your potluck contribution as coordinated by Mrs Andrews (type of food by first letter of your last name). If you could arrive between 5:30 and 6:00PM in the social hall next to our meeting room, we will get the meal set up to begin by 6:00PM.  That will allow for beginning the ceremony by 7:00PM, which is important as the effort by our youth has been outstanding, and the awards and rank advancements will be many. This is always a highlight of our troop year, and I hope that the majority of our troop family can attend.
See you tomorrow night for our Summer Court of Honor / Potluck! All friends and family are welcome.
Mr. Cole.