Good day T648!
A very fine weekend was enjoyed by the bikers who returned yesterday from up north in Ft. Tuthill. From the brilliant crystal clear skies, to cold lips in the 42 degree mornings, to the Blue Grass festival occurring less than a mile away, blue was certainly the theme for the weekend. And nary a soul was left feeling blue after both a morning and an afternoon ride (one cracked helmet, no cracked bones), a rousing 3-3 basketball game, a bit of Tekken and billiards in the officers’ lounge, and a roaring campfire to finish the day. Mr. Cole even found a moment alone with a stray guitar. Many thanks to Mr. Grisa for the use of his vehicle to tow the bike trailer, and for Mr. Martin’s pull in getting us access to the facility. It was mighty fine to drift away every evening with the smell of pines and the faint sound of picking and grinning filling the air.
This coming week we have plenty of troop opportunities. The patrol leaders will begin their 6 week training session ahead of tomorrow’s troop meeting. We will be making the Pioneer Village an even better place through assisting in Mr. Lara’s Eagle project next weekend. Make sure you are on his list for the event. The senior boys will be doing their high adventure trip to the Grand Canyon Rim Trail next weekend as well, as we continue the biking theme for the month. And we culminate a busy month with our annual family Court of Honor / Potluck a week from tomorrow. Mrs. Andrews has asked that we celebrate an Italian dinner theme, and has assigned each family to an appetizer/salad, main dish or dessert by first letters of your last name. Please see the separate email regarding logistics, and come prepared to eat, enjoy reminicing about the good times at summer camp and Philmont, and most importantly, to send a few huzzahs toward the boys who have accomplished so much in the preceding months.
Looking ahead, we will have a nifty opportunity to assist St. Vincent de Paul in October, and will be backpacking in the Sedona area, just about the time the leaves are turning in Oak Creek Canyon. Don’t forget to finalize your patrol names, patrol yells, patrol flags, and get your patrol patches – Honor Patrol begins again October 1st!
There are always happy trails ahead in Troop 648!  Mr. Cole