Thanks for Giving

Good morning!  I hope you and your families had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday

Last Sunday afternoon Brian and I returned in our full scout uniforms from our weekend camping near Burro Hot Springs.  As we usually do, we stopped by AJ’s for a drink on our way home to clean up.  The place was hopping, but as our number was finally being served, a tall high school student strode to the head of the line with his lidded glass half full of ice.  He rudely demanded that the grandmotherly lady at the register dump it out and refill it with fresh ice and water.  She sweetly told him that they cannot touch lids, and due to new regulations, no longer were able to empty a cup.  She suggested that he was welcome to take a number, and they would give him a refill if he would remove the lid and return the cup to her empty.  The boy exploded, swearing at her while insisting that they had always done this for him, and he needed it done now.  She patiently began again to say the health department would not allow it, but that if he returned with an empty cup, they’d be glad to help.  It was both incredible and disheartening to see the shades of color his face changed into as he again swore at her, slammed the cup into the garbage and stormed out of the store.  As Flora and I completed my transaction, we collectively shook our heads at what we had just witnessed.  I told her that if it was any consolation, I had 45 boys in my troop, and not a single one of them would deliver such a performance – after all, a scout is courteous under the Scout Law.

So, this holiday season, I am thankful for the fine examples of youth in our troop, and the families and adult leaders that support them.  I have witnessed mentoring, serving, teaching, and assisting in all shapes and sizes this past year – both within the troop, and within our community.  I am proud and honored to be associated with T648, and grateful for your presence in our troop family.

As we launch further into the holiday season, we will have our troop meeting tomorrow night, followed by a backpack trip into the wilds of the Superstitions Mountains this coming weekend – December 2-4.  We’ll be watching the extended forecast, as there are sprinkles ahead!  Please stay tuned for an upcoming parent information meeting on a Tuesday night in early to mid December, and also mark January 24th on your calendars as the date for our Winter Court of Honor.  As you prepare for the holidays, keep in mind that we will have troop meetings all throughout the holiday season.  Please come join us if you are home for the holidays!

Mr. Cole