Troop 648’s Family Campers

Good morning!

In the midst of the land of spring breaks, our annual family camp broke out in all its glory on an absolutely fabulous weekend for camping.  In between serenades from the neighborhood coyotes and the hooting of a rooster-like owl, we enjoyed crisp, dry mornings and a sun warm enough to entice the boys to swim in the snow-fed Romero pools up high in the Catalinas.  The troop welcomed two of our newest scouts, who joined just this week, and who demonstrated their most excellent hiking acumen on the steep climb up Romero Canyon.  Coupled with last week’s troop terrific meeting at AZ on the Rocks, this has been the climbingest week in quite awhile in Troop 648.  I am continually struck with what wonderful opportunities Boy Scouts brings in exposing our boys to a multitude of skills and experiences!  Ever onward – climb on!

And onward into the week we go, heading toward a particularly busy time of the year for the troop.  Hopefully many of you are having successes with your various sales opportunities to raise money for your scout accounts.  Please remember that this money is the boy’s to do with as he sees fit for anything relating to scouting.  Want to pay for the ski trip or summer camp, buy a new sleeping bag?  This is money the boy and his family can use to defray the costs that invariably come with the adventures we undertake.  Right now he should have Scout-O-Rama tickets and pancake breakfast tickets that he is selling to raise scout account money.  Additionally, the boys are working on gathering items for the silent auction held during the April 14th pancake breakfast, will be paid a percentage of the take on the day of the pancake breakfast depending upon how much of the 6AM-11AM time they are able to work, and they have been signing up to sell flag pins at the door during the Lenten fish fries at Blessed Sacrament.  Those boys putting good effort into this time of year can pad their scout accounts with many hundreds of dollars.  Please let our Fundraising chair, Mr. Jeorling, know if you have questions – or feel free to contact me.

Tonight is the adult leader meeting, to be held this month at New Covenant Church.  Tomorrow is the weekly troop meeting.  Those older boys in Mr. Clapp’s Citizenship merit badge should be working on their worksheets – check in with any questions you have.  Sign up to help us work the final Lenten fish fry this coming Friday at 4:30.  Next Tuesday is PLC for our boy leadership team before the troop meeting.  Patrols should by now have a theme for their auction baskets, and be deciding what and how things will be placed within them.  Please plan to bring your whole family to the pancake breakfast on the 14th, and for planning purposes, next month’s outing is a base camp with optional mountain biking along the Soldier’s Pass trail on the 20th-22nd.

See you tomorrow night!

Mr. Cole