Good day,
This has been a week of small, but intense, groups of activity. Many thanks to the adult leaders who gathered Monday to take a closer look at troop leadership, for those of you who participated in our final Friday of providing support for the Lenten fish fries at Blessed Sacrament, for those of you who achieved Scout-O-Rama ticket sales success last year and were rewarded by Mr. Parizek with a fine mountain-top dinner on Sunday night, and for all of you who have been pounding the pavement this week in your current sales activities. Keep in mind that we are down to the last week of sales for Scout-O-Rama tickets – all books of unused tickets and money need to be turned in no later than at the 4/10 troop meeting. We have an additional week of sales opportunity on the pancake ticket sales, as you can continue selling those right up until the event on the morning of 4/14. Keep in mind, that in addition to reaping the benefit of the additional money as a result that will be deposited into your scout accounts, Mr. Parizek has again put the incentive out there of another fabulous dinner on him – likely in the September timeframe - for all of you selling at least a book of the Pancake Breakfast tickets. With family and neighbors as potential customers – that could be a layup to achieving this goal. And to top it off - I understand there will be a grilled steak dinner this time for all of you sales champion carnivores!Â
Coming up, tomorrow is the Paterol Leader’s Council for the boy leadership at 6PM, the troop meeting at 7PM, and a parallel parent / committee meeting also at the church at 7PM. All boys should be working on ticket sales and supporting the basket theme for their patrol, by obtaining donated or purchased items for their patrol basket to be placed in the 4/14 silent auction. Please begin bringing items in tomorrow night. All boys should be planning to work the breakfast / auction the morning of the 14th, as that will also activate their ability to participate in the outcome of the pooled ticket receipts as well as the auction results. The work schedule will be 6AM until approximately 11AM, and each hour worked will gain them an additional 1/5 share of the pooled receipts. They will also receive a hefty chunk of the amount for the tickets they individually sell, after accounting for expenses. This truly is the time of year that they can have the greatest effect on deferring their individual costs of scouting. Best wishes and good selling!
There will possibly be two opportunities for outings this month, as we are scheduled to attend Soldiers Pass outing on the weekend of the 21st, and we now have the district Camporee scheduled up by Bumble Bee for the weekend of the 28th. The PLC will finalize decisioning these tomorrow night, but please plan to attend an outing this month – this is an excellent time of year to be exploring the great Arizona out of doors! And don’t forget the Chevlon Canyon backpack coming up in May. Even Mr. Benyi has not been on this particular hike – that’s amazing! You could be experiencing it with him for the very first time, and it comes extremely highly recommended by a friend of the troop.
See you tomorrow night!
Mr. Cole