I hope that all of you fathers, or those of you with fathers, had a wonderful Father’s Day.  I did know either of my grandfathers, as they were advanced in age when my parents were born, and died before I came on the scene. However, their strength, service to the community and character lived on in whom my parents became (one memory my mother has is of my powerful plumber, volunteer fireman grandfather lifting a ditched automobile back onto the road, my father recollects everyone in the community knowing and trusting Garn and the Cole hardware store). My father has been my role model, has taught me patience, to love the outdoors, and how to love his wife over the course of 57 years. My father-in-law has taught me how to work hard, the value of money, and the importance of family and community. In today’s society, where many do not have a father who is a daily part of their lives, I am thankful for the Boy Scouts of America. T648 gives all of us an opportunity for our boys to experience growing in outdoor and leadership skills, learning from older scouts and a dedicated and diverse group of adult role models. Thank you all for all you are, and for being a part of our troop family.
Thank you for everyone who participated in last week’s excellent CPR training – it is great to always be prepared! Please remember that tomorrow night at 7PM is the pre-summer camp Court of Honor in the social hall at church. Come and meet your fellow troop families, and take part in a bit of pomp and circumstance. This is generally a smaller court than the one after summer camp, but it allows for us to get as current as possible with rank badges before the camp. On Wednesday the 20th, we have adult leader training for anyone who wants to learn about being an outing advisor. It will be at Al’s Beef, 14740 N. Northsight Blvd from 6-8PM. Food and beverage will be available for purchase (but not required!). Find out how to guide an outing’s success while still allowing the boys to do the planning from two of our more experienced scouters.
Keep working on getting prepared for summer camp! Health forms are due. Many merit badges have some prerequisites, and Mr. Benyi has helpfully documented yours for you in a previous email. Obtain the merit badge books from our library or the scout shop, and determine what you need to complete before 7/7. Begin thinking about whether you have the right number of pants, shorts, t-shirts. Do you have a troop hat? In what will you carry all of your gear for the week? The boys are planning for a couple of meetings of camp preparation on the 26th and the 3rd, so if you have any questions or concerns, they hopefully should be gone by the time on the glorious morning of the 7th when we all arrive for our week at camp.
See you tomorrow night!
Mr. Cole