Good morning
This past week’s Court of Honor was a terrific opportunity to recognize recent advancements by the scouts, welcome new scouts into the unit, visit with old friends and meet new members of the troop family, and to cool off with a refreshing root beer float. Congratulations to all those awarded ranks and merit badges during the ceremony. A special congratulations to Mr. Benyi, who was recognized by his Wood Badge leader and patrol during our meeting for completing his Wood Badge ticket and obtaining his leather waddle slide and neckerchiefs. This represents completion of the highest adult leader training scouting has to offer, and now Mr. Benyi will be teaching Wood Badge classes this coming fall. We also recognized and thanked Dr. Huston, who served as troop committee chair for over 7 years, and remains the only T648 father with three Eagle Scout sons. As we reflect on last Tuesday night, if you didn’t quite get your requirements for that next rank done, never fear! We will be having another COH in a few short months, and you will have an entire week with your book and a half dozen captive adult leaders in summer camp to finish up those remaining skills sign-offs and complete your board.
Tomorrow night we begin looking ahead to summer camp. If they haven’t finalized them, patrols should each have yells known by all members and a flag they can design and be ready to bring to camp. Each unit can be discussing what they will need to pack, review what merit badge prerequisites remain to be completed, and have a requirements list thought through on what each scout will accomplish in advancement. There will be a number of things to review as an entire troop – items which will need to be accomplished during the week in order to achieve a ‘Big G Gold’ award designation as a troop at the conclusion of camp – a goal we always strive for, and historically achieve. Please bring any and all questions to the meeting, as well as any outstanding health forms or payments. Only 12 days until another fantastic week at one of BSA’s finest camps is upon us – think of the cool Tonto pines of central Arizona today as it hits 105 degrees in the Valley.  Time to start getting psyched!
See you tomorrow night at the scout meeting….
Mr. Cole