Good evening!
Your troop had an outstanding experience in the cool waters of Willow Springs Lake this weekend. The T648 canoes got an extensive workout, and Game & Fish loaned the troop a couple dozen fishing rods & reels, resulting in a full day on the shore and in the water of one of our truly spectacular high country wooded lakes. A subset of the participants also went off in the late afternoon on a map-orienting trip to discover the military sinkhole (a large natural depression off an old General Crook military road) and to enjoy the vistas of the Rim Trail. All told, 25 scouts paddled, splashed, explored, swamped each other, casted, hiked and enjoyed temperatures a full 30 degrees under the sweltering heat that Phoenix endured. There were also a record 20 adults leaders along on the outing, the majority of whom were taking a BSA required outdoor adult leader class, led and contributed to by our own senior troop leadership. Thanks to Mr. Parizek’s initiative, and the investment of these leaders, T648 will have trained leaders for years to come.  The culinary highlight of the year was the new york strip steak dinner and 4 types of cobbler fed to this year’s ticket sales qualifiers from the troop pancake breakfast. After a campfire, another wonderfully cool night’s sleep, and a brief church service, a tired but happy crew came back down the hill into the scorching reality of a Phoenix Sunday afternoon.
Upcoming events include Monday night the 13th’s adult leader meeting at 7PM in the Scottsdale Worship Center Board Room (65th Street and Cactus). Tuesday night is the troop meeting at 7PM. Please remember young Mr. McFetters’ request to bring a case of bottled water to the troop meeting to benefit the homeless, who are also attempting to deal with this heat without the many comforts that we enjoy. Additional key dates include August 24-26th, which is our annual boy leader planning session and retreat. All participants should look for an email from Mr. Benyi with all the pertinent logistics and details. At 2PM on September 8th, please plan on attending the Court of Honor for young Mr. Huston at the Elks club on Acoma and 32nd Street. And don’t forget that our September outing on the 21st will also take us back into the northern pines – this time to the Lava Tubes west of Flagstaff. This is a truly unique experience, traveling for almost a mile underground in an enormous tunnel created by cooling lava. Along with more orienting opportunities, and a summit of nearby Mount Kendrick, you will not want to miss it!
I looked around the large circle of scouts and leaders this morning, and listened to the boys one after another describe a lack of thorns, but then launch into each of their multitudes of roses. I am so very thankful for their participation and enthusiasm in our troop family, and to be able to experience what it is to be a scout through them.  See you Tuesday night!
Mr. Cole