Personal Fitness Merit Badge – 9/8

Sorry for the late notice, but if you have been working on the Personal Fitness Merit Badge, Mr. Conrad and scouts in the merit badge program will meet at the park at 56th Street and Paradise Lane tomorrow / Saturday at 6:30 am to do the final fitness evaluations. For those who can’t make Saturday, Mr. Conrad will set up an alternative testing date TBD. Also, if anyone else would like to begin the 12 week process, they are welcome to come Saturday, take the tests,  and start the process to begin training for the MB for the next 12 weeks. They need to make sure they have a medical form on file with the troop (most do from summer camp), first, and get authorization from Mr. Cole via a blue card to start – you can follow up on that this coming Tuesday.  Mr. Conrad made the announcement at last Tuesday’s meeting – this web update is a final confirmation for tomorrow’s event.
