What an outstanding week in troop 648! On Saturday, we had the unprecedented pleasure of beholding 16 of the troop’s 39 Eagles gathered in one room to celebrate the Eagle Court of Honor of P. Huston – the youngest of the three Huston Eagle brothers from our troop. In undoubtedly the first occasion of a T648 scout receiving his Eagle neckerchief while wearing a full leg cast, an emotional ceremony including many roasts and stories ensued. While we didn’t benefit from one last skit led by the ultimate campfire standup comedian, it was a truly memorable moment in the life of the troop and the Huston family. Many thanks to all who attended!
While this pomp and circumstance was unfolding, an ordeal was also underway. Two of our members were up north undergoing a weekend of service and self-sacrifice preparing them for their entrance into the Order of the Arrow through their Ordeal. Young M. McFetters and A. DeAngelis spent much of the weekend in complete silence, slept alone outdoors overnight, received limited amounts of food, and performed service projects. At the end of the weekend, they were welcomed as full-fledged members of the OA through a formal induction ceremony. Congratulations to both on completing this significant scouting achievement, and best wishes as they continue to serve scouting in this service organization.
We have an opportunity to help the underprivileged in our community next weekend through C. Williams’ Eagle Project. There is an organization called Save the Family Foundation in Mesa which provides apartments for those families in need as they are getting back upon their feet after catastrophic financial or medical events in their lives. We will be repairing and painting apartments which have had families move out in preparation for new families to move in. Stay tuned this week for additional details, but the fun and service begins early this Saturday, September 15th.
Quickly running through some additional upcoming events, tonight is the monthly assistant scoutmasters and adult leaders planning meeting, and tomorrow night is the troop meeting. Come and find out how the Lava Caves we will be visiting later in the month came to be! That outing is scheduled for September 21-23, and is an excellent opportunity to hike high above the earth (Mt. Kendrick), and well under the surface (a frosty mile-long lava cave trail, deep underground). This has traditionally been a trip that everyone enjoys. There will be an opportunity for adult leaders to learn how to hold an effective board of review, or assist the boys in planning an outing during a class to be held the 18th during the troop meeting. Keep working on your advancement on Tuesday nights, during breaks from homework, and on the Lava Tubes outing. Our next Court of Honor is scheduled for October 2nd at 6PM, and all advancement for that ceremony must be completed by September 25th. Please also be planning to bring an entrée, salad or a dessert to share during our annual troop pot luck the evening of the COH!
We have additional changes afoot. Mrs Traynor is working on developing a troop newsletter, which will give opportunities for our scouts to contribute input into the news and notes of our troop family. Stay tuned for more details – deadline for the first newsletter will be later this month.
See you at the troop meeting!
Mr. Cole