Good afternoon,
Many thanks to those who helped C. Williams with his Eagle Project for Save the Family foundation this weekend. A couple dozen from our troop family trekked out to east Mesa, and did a T648 makeover of an apartment for this charity in preparation for move-in today of a family with children struggling to get back on their feet. It was amazing to see the overgrown backyard, moldy refrigerator (is that bologna?), grungy walls and bathroom fixtures transformed. Incredible what a full morning of elbow grease, cleaning products and fresh paint will do to make a run-down rental look cozy!
Included in tomorrow’s meeting will be preparation for this weekend’s trip to the Lava Tubes base camp up west of Flagstaff. Let your patrol leader know if you are planning to attend the outing, but cannot be at the troop meeting, so your patrol can plan appropriate quantities into the menus. For those who have been before, you remember that headlamps are recommended for the caves in order to keep your hands free. Warm clothes will also be the ticket – we will be camping at 8,000 feet, Kendrick peak will be over 10,000 feet, and inside the lava caves is also less than 40 degrees year round. This will be an outstanding outing in the forest, and above it, and below it! I hope the majority of you will be able to take advantage of this marvelous opportunity.
Congratulations to the Wolves patrol for their runaway win in the Honor Patrol challenge for this past year. The award trip to Disneyland this year will be the weekend of October 26th, 27th and 28th, and will also include the top three individual finishers who were not a part of the Wolves patrol. Those invited to attend will be receiving a letter later this week with the details. Our Honor Patrol challenge with our new patrols begins anew October 2nd. You will be all starting with a clean slate going forward into the new Honor Patrol year (October through summer camp). Best of luck as you participate this year in upcoming uniform inspections and troop events as a patrol!
And speaking of October 2nd – that is the date of our next Court of Honor. Please plan to attend as a family, and stay tuned for details on the pot luck dinner. Please also confirm with Mr. McFetters if you have had a rank advancement since the last Court of Honor in June. You will be receiving all merit badges you have earned at summer camp or in working with our adult leaders, but we also want to ensure that all rank advancements are properly acknowledged.
I will not be at tomorrow’s meeting – Mr. Butler has graciously offered to provide the Scoutmaster role for this week. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as our oldest son is in the ICU with a virus affecting his heart. The support of extended family is always a comfort at times like these.
Mr. Cole