Good morning T648!
I hope that you had a glorious weekend wherever you were in the great southwest. As the northeast prepares for the scary Frankenstorm Sandy, it is difficult to imagine our area being more beautiful and welcoming for outdoor activities. I’m certain our backpacking crew had a most excellent trek in central Arizona, and the Honor Patrol trip to Disneyland was a huge success – 15 hours straight of loops and death-defying drops and fireworks and water shows. Hopefully everyone came home and crashed (after doing their homework), and will be bright eyed and bushy tailed for a week of school, scout meetings and Halloween!
Speaking of scout meetings, this week is our bike check for our upcoming mountain bike outing / base camp in the Granite Basin area up by Prescott on 11/10-13. Please take the opportunity to bring your bike to tomorrow’s meeting, as we will do the once or twice-over of all bikes to make sure they are in tip-top condition for the trail.
This coming weekend we have Mr. McFetters Eagle Project at a church ministering to the very needy in central Phoenix. On Saturday, 10/3 at 8:00 AM, we will meet at 3444 E. Van Buren Street to undertake a very ambitious restoration project of the organization’s back yard. Young Mr. McFetters has multiple projects planned in this excellent opportunity for service to those less fortunate than us. He will have need of as many of us that can assist as possible in order to accomplish all he has planned, so please pull on your class B uniform, and pull together your gloves, rakes, shovels, picks, hammers, and just like Mike Rowe, prepare to get dirty!
We are planning to turn in our recharter materials for charter organization signature this week, and then for subsequent submission to council. Please finalize all youth protection training (leaders) and payments (youth and leaders) for recharter for another year of fun and fellowship with your T648 family.
See you tomorrow at 7PM for the troop meeting!
Mr. Cole