He Lives!
America routinely gets slammed around the world for a multitude of reasons (deserved and undeserved), ranging from our politics, military deployments, our lack of knowledge or interest in the rest of the world, and our heavy-handed commercialism and increasing obesity. I’m not going to fight that battle this morning, but I’d like to explore something that America does get right – and that is holidays. Both the religious and commercial sides of Christmas make that whole season a Cole family favorite, and being the unabashed patriot that I am, Fourth of July is always a special time honoring this wonderful country of ours (no matter the global opinion of our supposed many shortcomings). I’m a ‘glass half full’ sort of individual, so Thanksgiving is an outstanding time of reflection on the many blessings in my life. But, Easter may be the best of this amazing list.  What was unforgiveable has been forgiven, what was dead has come alive! And simultaneously the world around us springs to life!  Warm sun, cool air – orange blossom smells everywhere! This weekend the Cole family explored a wild animal park, and the baby giraffes, ducklings, monkeys and flamingos were simply entrancing. They say that the only time you can safely put all your eggs in one basket is at Easter time. May your life’s Easter basket be overflowing today, and throughout the remainder of the year for your entire family.
This week is the start of a new month, so the youth leadership will meet at 6PM for Patrol Leadership Council prior to Tuesday’s troop meeting. I will have a work commitment, but Mr. Benyi will be available for any conferences or questions requiring program input from adult leadership. Mr. Parizek and Mr. Jeorling have provided materials to assist in the ticket sales process, so hopefully you have begun canvassing your friends, neighbors and families to come to our Pancake Breakfast and Auction on the 27th of April. Don’t forget to be thinking of ways to accumulate the auction items you will be obtaining, as well. Please provide donation thank you letters to those individuals and businesses providing donated items for the auction.  For summer camp, you should have finalized your top six merit badge selections at Camp Alexander in Colorado, and be ready to present those to Mr. Benyi on Tuesday night.
Looking ahead, we have an excellent spring base camp with canoeing coming up on the 12th of April – most likely around Lake Roosevelt. Springtime on the water in Arizona in our troop canoes, it doesn’t get much better than that! And on the 3rd of May, we have one of my all-time favorite backpacks coming up on the Parson Trail through the beautiful Sycamore Canyon to Parson Springs (about 7 miles round trip, max). It is outside of Cottonwood, the stars are as brilliant as any I have ever seen in Arizona, and the trail is flat and well marked – crossing the stream 6 or 7 times under the canopies of beautiful sycamore trees. Please plan on attending our upcoming spring outings. This is one of the best times of the year to be exploring all the beauty Arizona has to offer.
Have a great troop meeting, and I’ll see you in a week!
Mr. Cole